Sunday, March 24, 2013

Pictures from paradise.

Okay. So you might be wondering: What is Chris doing since October in Southern Thailand? Why did he extend his contract and will not come back too soon? What does he like about this place in the middle of the jungle?

The answers are very simple. Here they are.

I feed elephants.

I have private talks with elephants.

I hold hands with elephants. 

I get kissed by elephants.

I see tits. Loads of tits. Stalactits.

I go on boat trips. With my colleagues Barbara & Steffi.

I hang out in National Parks. With Barbara, P'Om & Steffi.

I fasten my seat belt. I advise all of you to do so.

I wear sunscreen. Baz Luhrman advises all of us to do so.

I jump into emerald waters.
At work.

I look cool.

I am cool.

I am romantic, too.

I create a Loy-Kratong-boat. With some help. ;)

I drink fruit shakes.

I receive proposals from the hairdresser. And not only there...

I win "blow-the-balloon-up-until-it-bursts-"contests against my boss Jon.

I perform YMCA. With my German colleagues Barbara, Steffi (hard to see) & Sascha

I push myself into the front of a group picture after our New Year's party in February.

I have photo-shootings with Charlotte. Also known as Miss England 2012. No biggie.

I enjoy seeing temples.

Many temples.

I eat. Always. Sometimes with others (here with P'Kong, Barbara, P'Om, Steffi, me, P'Sakon)...

...sometimes without others.

I try...

...a lot...

...of different stuff.

And I never miss dessert. ;)

                                                                                 As you can see:
I have a great ass. ;)

And I obviously enjoy the moment. And I am looking forward to a fantastic future.

Any further questions?


  1. Ich probe für die Johannes-Passion, friere in Bad Neuenahr, habe genau 1 Stunde PC-Zeit - und wäre gerne in Thailand - viele Bilder kommen mir doch bekannt vor...meint die Ursel

  2. Weiter! Mehr! Ich will mehr! Ich will mehr! :)

  3. Mehr mehr mehr! Wo bleibt die Fortsetzung???
    <3 Schmatz aus Norwegen!
