Tuesday, September 23, 2014

New York City. Smile.

Monday, 6:30pm. I'm coming home from work. The nightclub around the corner from my hotel closes. Must have been a decent weekend.

New York City. Obviously it's quite huge. I feel like I have seen it all after one weekend of sightseeing: Statue of Liberty, Staten Island, 9/11 Memorial, Wall Street, Broadway, Grand Central Station, Central Park, Empire State Building, Manhattan Skyline by day and night... of course there's tons more to see and do, but I'm not really in the mood for it. The city is to hectic. Crowded. People don't smile at you on the streets. They are all too busy with pursuing their own life.

How about you? When did you last smile at a complete stranger out on the streets?

I think we should all smile more. Generally. And of course at each other. Should begin to look up from our smartphones again and greet a sympathetic looking stranger who's coming towards us. There are so many reasons to smile. And besides: What do we have to lose?

09/11 War Memorial.
May the memory never fade.

Wall Street. Secretly ruling the world. No reason to smile here.

Staten Island Ferry from Manhattan to Staten Island is Free of Charge!
Staten Island Ferry. It's free! Stingy smile!

Manhattan Skyline by day. Spectacular smile.

Lady Liberty. Making people smile since 1886.
Especially immigrants.

Grand Central Station. Makes this one actress in this one movie smile,
because this one guy books the whole station to exclusively have dinner with her here.

Know which movie I am talking about?

Broadway how it presents itself. Makes lots of capitalists smile.

Broadway in New York City under construction
Broadway how it really looks like. Makes me smile. Broad smile.

The Lake in Central Park. See how the sun smiles?

Skyline New York at Sunset seen from Rockefeller Center (Top of the Rock)
Sunset panorama from Top of the Rock. Who doesn't smile?

Top of the Rock, staring towards Empire State at sunset...

Skyline New York City by night seen from Top of the Rock on Rockefeller Center
...and at night. Possible that I got lost in thoughts while up there.

How would the Rockefeller Center Picture look like today?
Famous Rockefeller picture. The way it'd look like today.

Hands up - who's smiling now? :)

Go out. Smile. Make this world a better place. One smile at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Hallaliii! Shuuuuu...yeah, great trip, young man, great pictures, great thoughts. Often thinking the same. Giga-smile soon ;)
